
The association "march for our lives" denouces the legalisation of guns in United-States and the death that it generates, about 0,1% of the american population. In their own words : We demand bold action to end the Gun Violence Epidemic . Their most famous mottos are "NEVER AGAIN", "STOP GUN VIOLENCE" or "PROTECT KIDS NOT GUNS" Their mission  "To harness the power of young people across the country to fight for sensible gun violence prevention policies that save lives." The Children of Your Country Are Calling You to Action Two of these young women gave up tickets to see Hamilton in order to march. If you don't understand the gravity of that sacrifice, if you can't see how this proves their commitment, then you don't understand the power of Lin-Manuel Miranda.
For several years, the debate on “cultural appropriation” has been recurring.   In the fashion industry, music, cinema, cuisine and the arts, the use of an object or motif from elsewhere, an ornament, a melody, an instrument, an ingredient, is denounced by some as an abusive loan to a culture dominated by the dominant culture (western culture). The balance of power between the two cultures distinguishes cultural appropriation from assimilation or interbreeding.   The minority has no choice but to accept the appropriation by the majority, so it is not an exchange of equals. C ultural appropriation perpetuates a form of oppression that has its origins in conquest or colonization.   The term appeared in the United States in the 1980s, with the rise of post-colonial studies, a field of university research at the intersection of sociology, anthropology and history.   One of the most regularly raised cases of cultural appropriation is that of the elements of Amerindian cultu

POST 1 : The myth of the noble/good savage

A noble savage is a literary stock character who embodies the concept of the indigene , outsider, wild human, an " other " who has not been "corrupted" by civilization , and therefore symbolizes humanity's innate goodness. Besides appearing in many works of fiction and philosophy, the stereotype was also heavily employed in early anthropological* works . The idea that humans are essentially good is often attributed to the 3rd Earl of Shaftesbury . In his Inquiry Concerning Virtue (1699), Shaftesbury had postulated that the moral sense in humans is natural and innate and based on feelings, rather than resulting from the indoctrination of a particular religion . In English, the phrase Noble Savage first appeared in poet John Dryden's heroic play, The Conquest of Granada (1672) : I am as free as nature first made man, Ere the base laws of servitude began, When wild in woods the noble savage ran. * Anthropology is the scie

POST 7 : Who's Ted Bundy ?

On November 24, 1946 was born in Vermont (USA) one of the serial killers that would have more impact on modern American society, Ted Bundy. His specialty: sodomize and brutally murder university students. Theodore (Ted) Bundy's childhood was marked by a great lie. His grandparents assumed the identity of true parents to hide an immoral motherhood before society. A paradoxical moral protection, considering the acts that took place inside the false home: his grandfather was a violent man, fond of pornography and human/animal abuse. As an adult, Ted Bundy knew how to overcome his childhood, apparently, and came to occupy a place of prestige in society. He studied psychology and law and was even an aspiring governor of the state. Despite his achievements and public recognitions, he did not feel integrated into society and resorted to violent sex as an escape route and, later, to murder and sodomy. Its fixation would be the middle-class university students wit


From what I could understand from this trailer, A family leaves Paris to settle in New York. It is a banal family consisting of a father, a mother and their two little daughters. But we learn later in the trailer that she was three sisters and that one of them is dead. In addition there is the recurante presence of a neighbor who looks special.  I think this story is an intrigue around the "death" of this third sister and every member of this family will be questioned. The conductor wire of this film will be the camera, an obejet that often comes back in the trailer and on which there would be images of the third sister.

POST 5 : "American Dream of Beauty" Little Miss Sunshine

  First of all,   the film's story is Olive seven-year-old, dreams of being a beauty queen. When she gets an invitation to compete for the very selective title of Little Miss Sunshine in California, the whole family decides to support her. They make sail west and begin a three-day trip with unexpected events. It’s easy to read Little Miss Sunshine as a typical underdog story: an average girl named Olive Hoover wants to win a beauty pageant. It's the sort of movie that seems to uphold the American assumptions that everyone has equal opportunities and that being a winner is of the utmost importance. In fact,  Little Miss Sunshine demonstrate that American perfectionism and beauty standards are superficial and do not lead to true happiness. In the end, the film rejects the undisputed societal expectations and redefines a positive idea of the American Dream. The phrase "American dream" is characterised by certain conventions, such as material success, an orderl


American Dream Definition : The American Dream is a national ethos of the United States, the set of ideals (democracy, rights, liberty, opportunity and equality) in which freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success, as well as an upward social mobility for the family and children, achieved through hard work in a society with few barriers. The American Dream is rooted in the Declaration of Independence, which proclaims that "all men are created equal" with the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Also, the U.S. Constitution promotes similar freedom, in the Preamble: to "secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity" Symbols of American Dreams : For me the symbols of American Dreams are a family together around a table : man, woman and children. They all look happy with a big smile and ravisant looking. They're next to a lake with a boat, maybe theirs. The weither is beautiful as it