POST3 : New technologies: an aid to evolution




For me the best example of the help that new technologies offer is in China. They are water-spraying poles (as shown in the pictures below) for the pedestrians who don't respect the rules. The Chinese province of Hubei came up with the idea of installing lines of yellow poles on two sides of a crossover capable of detecting pedestrians who forcing the zebra crossing and sprinkling them with water.

Examples of these poles, in Daye, Hubei Province.
Road accidents can be avoided in the simplest of ways. It consists first and foremost of a respect for road safety also valid for pedestrians. How many pedestrians try, every day, to "force" the pedestrian crossing while the little guy is red ? Decisions that can lead to dramatic consequences.

So, in China, a province had the idea of setting up a special facility to deter these "delinquents" from pedestrian crossings. In the city of Daye, in Hubei province, poles were installed near the crosswalks. But not just any poles : they are equipped with sensors can detect when a pedestrian tries to force the passage when de light is red. The latter then automatically receives a jet of water, the system also gives the warning of : "Please obey traffic rules."

The terminals also issue prevention messages to, once again, discourage forcing the pedestrian crossing. That initiative cost of the city of Daye more than 1.3 million yuan, nearly $207,000. That idea is difficult to contest because it was put in place to ensure the safety of pedestrians, many Chinese are indignant on social networks, accusing the city of wasting money (and water?) taxpayer. Never the less, we find the idea interesting, even if crossing pedestrian crossings should be a duty respected by everyone.

I find it very interesting and helpful to protect the safety of the population in places where there is a lot of traffic like in China. With this invention, new technologies prove that they can be very useful to society. However, I'm in two minds because this invention spends lot of water and money. In my opinion I think the best solution is to educate and sensitize peoples, but the water-spraying poles are more fast and effective on the population.


  1. OK!
    Now please get fully prepared for your oral presentation of this blog post.


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