
Showing posts from September, 2018

POST2 : Look Up/Look down

POST3 : Look Up/Look down Look up    In this video, the narrator says he has a lot of friends on the Internet but is alone in what he calls "real life". he thinks of "real life" it's not with a cell, a computer or other technologies. He thinks that it closes the door of reality. He said that the truth is not on the Internet, but in the real world when you talk to a human, when you can touch people. He says you have to be physically close to the people you love. he thinks that new technologies are destroying our emotional ties with human beings and that it is awful to see someone alone on the street with their phones. Then he talks about the social networks he describes as something that is not productive and that it is more interresting to read a book. for him the social networks take away the spirit he thinks that it confines us on ourselves, we exaggerate all the feelings and this is not the mirror of reality. I find his ideas a little radical but there a

POST1 : internet anonymous

2. DESCRIPTION / MEANIG / PURPOSE a. This cartoon takes place  in a office. I can see two men, one's using her computer and the other one is standing next to his desk, he's listening to him. I notice that both of them aren't wearing casual clothes so I think it's an uniform composed a green skirt, and a blue trousers. One has red hair and the  second has the second to baldness. They are probably co-workers because they are wearing the same clothes. The one in front of the computer is happy and the other is perplexed. b. The cartoonist meant that there existed a group where people have problems with the internet, it gathers on the internet. It is ironical. 3. IMPACT / VIEWPOINT / BRANCHING OUT  a. I think this drawing is representative of today's world because more and more people are addicted to the internet and can not do without. b. I think this drawing is representative of today's world because more and more people are addicted to the i